How to Stay Sober: Tips for Getting and Staying Sober

how to stay sober

This might be from friends or family members, or it might be from new sober buddies. You will likely realize the importance of having healthy relationships on your recovery journey, and will naturally begin avoiding old drinking buddies. In other words, instead of saying, “stop thinking about how far it is to the liquor store,” imagine you walk down there, buy the bottle of vodka, come home and start drinking. Imagine your sober streak disappearing and finishing the bottle that night. Imagine how your friend and family will feel and how it will effect your day the next day.

how to stay sober

How to socialize without alcohol FAQs

A person who is getting sober may be getting sober from one substance or all substances. Their process of getting sober will depend on numerous factors, including the severity of drug or alcohol use disorder and long-term goals of sobriety. Sobriety can be a particularly challenging pursuit for someone with an addiction like alcohol use disorder. You may find that you have so much free time on your hand now that you’re not using substances anymore. One way to maximize your time is by volunteering to teach others about the dangers of addiction and the benefits of living substance-free. Partaking in some form of community service not only helps you contribute positively to society, it also strengthens your self-confidence and increases your sense of self-worth.

how to stay sober

What does it take to move beyond addiction—and stay there?

Then, practice those acts of self-care for support with staying sober. If you cannot afford therapy, I would consider group counseling, outpatient treatment programs, or recovery coaching. Explore your options, and don’t give up on finding a source of help. You need new friends to support you who are in recovery too. So how are you going to accomplish that without a recovery community?

Navigating Through Social Discrimination While in Recovery

Create some goals for yourself to remind yourself of what you’re working towards. Research studies have shown that people activated more parts of their brain and increased their ability to learn when putting pen to paper as opposed to typing. For someone struggling with their sobriety and learning a new way of life, this is one of the best exercises you can do. One of the first things you discover after getting sober is how much time you have. It’s one of the reasons we track your time saved in the app. Addiction devours your time which is a factor in many people’s relapse.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Maybe that’s reading more, watching a documentary, taking a digital course, getting into photography, taking up knitting, or exploring other things that interest you. Regardless of what kind of movement is typically part of your routine, it’s important to find ways to stay active during this weird time. There are lots of online workouts you can try, like Alo Moves, Glo or The Class by Taryn Toomey. (Here are a bunch of other ways to exercise at home, if you need more ideas.) It’s also nice to see local gyms and studios of all kinds offering virtual classes for their community.

Manage Withdrawal

how to stay sober

Again, there’s a lot of hours in the day and you will feel each hour tick by at a snail’s pace, especially when cravings occur. With time, it will get easier, but especially when you’re jumping back in, keep a strict tips to stay sober schedule. You can continue taking steps forward to a better future with the right treatment and recovery center. Better days are ahead of you, so don’t put your life on hold just because sobriety is difficult.

Benefits of sober socializing for friendships

how to stay sober

Can I Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey?

  • Having a sponsor can allow you to have someone in your corner with experience who can hold you accountable.
  • “Out of sight, out of mind” is a saying that applies considerably when dealing with alcohol.
  • Two hugely negative emotions that undoubtedly contribute to relapse is “shame” and “guilt”.