Following Fully #2--"Image and Dominion"

  • In Genesis 1, we see the very first “purpose statement” from God.
    • In that purpose statement are the words “Image” and “Dominion”
    • We’re going to compare and contrast how God’s image-bearers responded to having dominion over the earth in the Edenic Covenant, vs. how God’s people understand dominion in the New Covenant.
  • The faith to obey in regards to being given dominion as an image-bearer.
      • We will ask and answer:
        • What does image/dominion mean?
        • Did either or both get corrupted with the Fall?
        • What does Jesus have to do with dominion?
        • How did the early church exercise dominion?
        • How do we exercise dominion today?

And so I have a True-or-False statement to pose to you, as you listen and participate in my sermon today:

  • T or F: “God’s going do what God’s wants to do regardless of how or if I pray.”

You ready???