Following Fully #22: "Sheep and Shepherds"

  • Today, we start a 3-sermon mini-series in the book of Joshua.
  • God commissions Joshua - a new leader - to take them into the Promised Land.
    • Today we’ll look at leadership: what the Bible calls Shepherding.
      • We’ve got 3 parts, with ONE main message: The Role of the Shepherd.
      • Part 1: The Commissioning of Joshua
      • Part 2: Jesus the Good Shepherd
      • Part 3: Shepherds in the Body of Christ
    • Next Sunday, we’ll study Israel following Joshua into battle at Jericho, and compare that to our responses and actions regarding the battles in our own life.
    • And on June 30, we’ll study the 12 tribes’ delegated territories of the land and God’s purposes, and compare that to Jesus’ delegation to go into all the world baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit.
    • Ready?