Following Fully #24: Joshua pt. 3 "Allotments and Inheritance"

Today we finish our 3-part miniseries in Joshua, within our larger series called “Following Fully” - seeing a new thing God did in the OT, its purpose, and its fulfillment and plan in New Covenant living. 

  • Joshua part 1 was on God establishing Israel with a new leader, Joshua after Moses. 
  • Joshua Part 2 was about the taking of Jericho - and doing so exactly as the Lord required: To take out all evil influences in the land, just as he commands us to do so in our New Covenant living today.
  • Joshua Part 3 is about Allotments/Inheritances of the Promised Land to all 12 Tribes (where they would settle and live for hundreds of years), God’s heart and purpose in the divvying up of the land, and why the Levites got NO specific allotment for their tribe.