Following Fully #29: 1&2 Kings "Purpose of Prophecy"

The Bible uses several Hebrew and Greek words translated prophecy or prophesy:

  • Hebrew: Nâbâ' = to prophesy, that is, speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple discourse)
  • Greek: Prophēteuō = to foretell events, divine, speak under inspiration, exercise the prophetic office

As a group, we’ll define “prophecy” as: 

  • speaking from divine revelation regarding the future
  • This can apply to global events on down to an individual life’s circumstances
  • Note: the gift of prophecy isn’t just that one HEARS from God, it’s that one SPEAKS what he/she hears.
    • And yes, there are both male and females with the gift of prophecy in both the OT and NT.
  • We’ll break down this definition with our 5 questions/answers as well…