Philippians #16: Joy in Jesus--"Working Out" Phil. 2:12-13

  • Work out your own salvation
    • This is a controversial term
    • “Work out my salvation?”
      • Doesn’t that imply that I have a part in saving myself? 
    • Martin Luther had some harsh things to say about the book of James, which is perhaps most famous for James saying “show me your faith without works and I’ll show you my faith by my works.” (2:18)
      • Luther called James “an epistle of straw” and once said “We should throw the Epistle of James out of this school.” in reference to a Bible school. 
        • In Luther’s defense, there are some scholars who feel he’s been misunderstood and that he never pushed for James to be removed from the Bible.
        • My point is that some feel Paul never penned such things.
          • (NEXT) That he never suggested works should be evident in a person’s faith.
          • That’s absolutely untrue.