The Holy Spirit Throughout History #38: "The Spirit of Worship” -- Philippians

The church in Philippi was encouraged by Paul several times in his letter to rejoice - to worship - and to ACT out their worship in their deeds and thoughts.

  • For many, Romans 12:1 is conjured up when we read many parts of Philippians - especially about rejoicing and thinking on good and pure things of God.
    • I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
      • As Christ gave His life to us, a sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, fulfilling the all-time purpose of reconciling all things back to God in Christ Jesus, certainly rejoicing, praise, worship, celebrating, and in every way expressing our JOY to God - in everything we do - is the one and only appropriate response!