The Holy Spirit Throughout History #4 :“Delivered and Established ( Exodus)”
Exodus is Israel’s STORY.
- God would later - upon taking Canaan - inspire and command the people to tell this story to every individual in every generation forever and ever (Deut. 6)
- Ask any God-honoring Jewish person today, what’s the story of your nation? And they’ll show you Exodus.
- Delivered and… Established.
The Holy Spirit’s role in this deliverance and establishment is the empowerment of God within individuals.
- Spiritual gifts are first mentioned in Exodus.
- The spiritual gift of craftsmanship.
- And it is the ONLY time we see a person is “filled with the Spirit” in the entire OT.
- I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship. (Ex 31:3)