The Holy Spirit Throughout History #8 : “The Spirit of Strength--Judges"
Samson was a man in whom the Holy Spirit stirred (13:25), and even several times Judges tells us the Spirit of God “rushed upon” Samson.
- I think some ideas for Super Heroes come from the life of Samson…
- And behold, a young lion came toward him roaring. Then the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him, and although he had nothing in his hand, he tore the lion in pieces as one tears a young goat. (14:6).
- And the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him, and he went down to Ashkelon and struck down thirty men of the town (14:19)
- When he came to Lehi, the Philistines came shouting to meet him. Then the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon him… And he found a fresh jawbone of a donkey… and with it he struck down 1,000 men. (15:14-15)
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- God doesn’t “make us strong.”
- HE is our strength!
- Very similar to understanding who Jesus is.
- Jesus IS the way. He is the truth. He is the Life.
- Jesus doesn’t show you your path. HE is your path.
- Jesus doesn’t show you truth. HE is the truth.
- Jesus doesn’t teach you what life is. HE is Life.
- The same is true with God’s Spirit. HE is our strength.
- You are not strong in and of yourself.
- You are not called to “be a stronger version” of yourself.
- On the contrary, 2 Cor. 12:20 says, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
- YOUR strength actually CONTENDS with God’s Spirit.
- YOUR strength means there’s less room for spiritual strength.
- You see, this was Samson’s hangup.
- And it’s most of ours, too.
- God doesn’t “make us strong.”