Neighborhood Underground 8


Many believers around the world, are not able to gather for worship and teaching openly.  They are forced to meet “underground” when they can.  In an effort to relate to them, and lift them up in intersessory prayer, NC will gather for 5 hours of teaching, prayer and “body building” on Saurday October 14th from 6:30pm to midnight.

All Church Independence Day PotLuck


WOW is Sponsoring an All church Potluck to celbrate Independence Day.   Plan to Stay for a potluck picnic lunch after the Service on July 2nd  There will be a sign-up sheet for food and beverages on the NC Connect Table in the foyer.

Hang-out at the Park with Verge Church


We have been invited to have lunch at McDonald Park with Verge Church!  Bring a salad or dessert to share–Pulled pork sandwhiches will be provided by Verge.  We will meet at the Park as soon as possible after the service at Ramadas 4 &5  There is a playground and restrooms close.  Bring your own chairs and EZ-up if you have …

NC Annual Celebration


Its time for our Neighborhood Church Annual Celebration!!  We will fellowship, swim and eat, worship, play and eat, celebrate baptisms, share and eat, have a time of reflection and dedication lead by the Elders, AND EAT!   Scan the QRC on the right to see the online food sign-up via MealTrain    Bring a side dish to share, (the Elders will be …